





What Is Hypoallergenic Formula?

HiPP hypoallergenic formula
HiPP hypoallergenic formula
Some babies are allergic to soy-based milk and cow’s milk-based formula. What another formula could a parent give to their infant that provides her all the nutrition she needs (besides the mother’s milk)? In that case, pediatricians recommend HiPP hypoallergenic formula.

Hypoallergenic formula is protein hydrolysate formula. It consists of protein broken down either extensively or partially into tinier proteins that don’t cause an allergic response. In simpler words, the formula is pre-digested. It is less likely to cause an allergic reaction to the immune system of the baby will not launch an attack on the proteins that have already been broken down into smaller pieces.

This formula does not really prevent allergies. Since the proteins are broken down, the immune system does not recognize them and hence it does not react. It is fed to babies who are at the risk of allergies because it is unlikely to do any harm which most of the non-hydrolyzed formal can do. Also, a hypoallergenic formula is not a replacement of breast milk so your baby is still going to need the mother’s milk.

Types of Hypoallergenic Formulas

A hypoallergenic formula is available in three varieties.

1. Partially Hydrolyzed

In this formula, larger chains of protein are broken into smaller chains that are easy enough to digest.

2. Extensively Hydrolyzed

This formula is for the babies who are highly allergic. It is recommended for babies that have food allergies.

3. Free Amino Acid

This formula does not contain whole protein molecules. It consists of basic amino acids (building blocks of protein). It is recommended for babies who react to the extensively hydrolyzed formula.

How To Know If Your Baby Needs Hypoallergenic Formula?

A baby with allergic reactions to milk protein will display symptoms such as colic, vomiting, wheezing, diarrhea, and Eczema. If you have a family history of food allergies, your baby’s pediatrician might recommend you to start your child on HiPP hypoallergenic formula. 

According to the American Academy of Pediatricians, this formula should be fed to infants who have clear medical symptoms indicating they need a special formula. The process of breaking down proteins for creating the hypoallergenic formula messes with the nutritional balance and hence, if your baby is not allergic, breast milk or soy/cow milk-based formula is best.

Does Hypoallergenic Formula Cause Any Changes?

The hypoallergenic formula can cause a few changes in your baby, which you shouldn’t worry about at all. Your child’s bowel movements will be solid and you might also observe the change in the color and consistency. Watery, white, black or red stool needs to be evaluated since that’s not caused by the hypoallergenic formula.

This formula is going to smell and taste different. It is bitter but most babies don’t even notice anything because their taste buds haven’t developed yet. The hypoallergenic formula will have a clear color as compared to the regular formula. Don’t worry, it has all the nutrition your baby needs.

The only thing different about the HiPP hypoallergenic formula is that it tastes and smells differently from the conventional formulas. This explains why most babies do not like them.
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